March 2, 2016

Christmas Cards 2015

Crazy how a season changes your life.  Here are Christmas Cards which were never sent.
Christmas Cards 2015.  Prayerfully thankful to have survived 2015.

August 1, 2014


Today, Augusts 1st

I woke up at 3:30 this morning, thinking it was Friday…. However, it was Thursday.  I thought I’d paint and then I realized I had to go to work.  So I went back to bed.  But first I prayed for Mary and Doris and Ms. Francis.   And for my family and then I went back to sleep and woke up at 6:00 a.m.

Getting ready for work, I thought of the suffering of our church family, and the wars and wickedness of the world.  I thought of what he said about God, that I just don’t understand what he went through in Iraq, what he witnessed. And I prayed for him.  There is so much violence and fighting in our world today, crazy natural disasters, children fleeing their countries, searching for safety on deadly excursions; and so much death and destruction and homelessness as a result; and then those closest to us suddenly become ill.  And now there is the Ebola outbreak in historic proportions, and I prayed why.  Why Lord is there so much suffering?

I got in my car and drove to work.  It was cloudy outside, drizzling.  And I was feeling absorbed with these thoughts, prayers and questions.  So, I turned on the radio and as I drove down the stretch of my street, I listened to Greg Laurie preach about God’s love for us, and how He cares for the birds of the air, knowing each and every bird and how he cares for each one; when in front of me were two doves in the street, slowing lifting up when thud! one hits my car right on the grill.  I cried out and feathers flew as Greg Laurie spoke of God’s love for these birds.  Oh my gosh! I was traumatized.  I had to pull over afraid to see if the bird was stuck between my grill.  Just a tuft of feathers lodged in there. Feeling terrible as I drove all the way down Doniphan.  I was already late for work and feeling guilty for injuring or killing this bird and just driving away.   I mean what if it was me?  What if someone hit me and just drove away leaving me to suffer helplessly.  Then, talking to myself about this whole situation, I turned around and drove back down my street looking for this poor injured bird.  I didn’t know what I would do if I found it, hold it in my hands and pray for it as it lay dying in agony?  Take it to bird rescue and give a $20.00 donation?  Well, I never found the bird, so I jumped back on the highway and drove to Starbucks and called Jack.  I brought him a lemon yale with peach. 

And then I went to work.  It rained all day, overcast skies and moments of downpour and then drizzle.  How unusual and uncharacteristic.  It has been such a heck of a week, the end of the month, billing deadlines and an incredible amount of work.   However, today is Friday, August 1st.  The boss and family left town today, and it is the end of the week.  It is supposed to rain all weekend.  Dad is at the ranch with Juan, and I am off work on until Tuesday.  I need to take a trip to California to see mom.  She is talking about preparing her will.  I told Kris I could fly to Colorado tonight and stay the weekend and be a babysitter for him and Mallory. He said it wasn’t necessary. 

Now, I sit in my office watching Sleepless in Seattle for the hundredth time, and reflecting on today.  I got through it okay and I am healthy and safe.  I am really very blessed.  And I give thanks.  God is good to me. I should never take advantage of a day because a day in peace and health and life and abundance and all that is good, is a big gift to be grateful for.

Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father fees them.  Are you worth much more than they?       Matthew 6:26

I think I will paint now.

May 25, 2013


 This morning I went to the El Paso Zoo and took photograph of some great creations of God, who is the Master Artist.

June 17, 2011


This family is so precious to me. The children are so beautiful and have such sweet little spirits! Caleb love loves his little brother. He calls him "Baby" while stroking his little blondy brown wisps of hair. And Layton smiles, and jibbers his own language. Two very different boys they are! Caleb is careful and thoughtful, sweet child. Layton is an adventurer, who loves to climb on anything, and with no hesitation ventures to uncharted places.

I love these boys, and will really miss them when my trip is over. Yesterday, we played all day. I must have shared 100 slide rides with these kids. Kris and Mallory have a kid's jungle gym in their back yard with two child slides, one smaller, the other steeper. And Layton with bright eyes, big smile, and a quick jibber, dives forward on the bigger steeper slide with no hesitation! Over and over and over we went. Caleb taking turns with his little brother, holding on to Layton until he was ready to dive down the slide. Precious!

These kids are very good looking boys (and I know I'm prejudice) and one more boy is on the way! Oh my goodness! Mallory is a Rock! And, the only girl in this family! And, Kris is a great dad! Working and going to school, who is really blessed with such an awesome family.

They live in beautiful Colorado Springs and the weather has been just great. I have really enjoyed this visit, and really look forward to returning some day soon!!!

May God bless this little and growing family abundantly! I know that I will keep them in my daily prayers.

December 25, 2010